Marzipan Rosebuds

- 1-7 oz box Odense Marzipan Food coloring paste*, gel or liquid of preferred color
Odense Marzipan makes these pretty rosebuds taste great and won’t wilt on your cake.
Depends on size of cookie cutter
- Tint Marzipan color of choice by kneading in food coloring. Start with a small amount of food color and add until desired color is reached.
- Roll out Marzipan between two pieces of wax paper, plastic wrap. The thinner the Marzipan is rolled, the more delicate the rosebuds.
- With a cookie cutter, cut out small discs of Marzipan.
- Gently thin edges of rosebuds for a more realistic look, by covering with wax paper or plastic wrap and evenly pressing edges to thin out. Overlap three discs, about 1/2 way on each. Gently, roll up the discs into a cylinder.
- Rolling the cylinder between your two index fingers, divide it into two rosebuds for individual rose- buds or fold in half for twin rosebuds. To see a demonstration of this technic, click on how to make Marzipan Roses.